Chi è il Prof. Lee Min Sun

Uno dei massimi esperti in Kinesiology Taping Therapy e Chiropratica.

Ha all'attivo inoltre, diverse pubblicazioni proprio sulle potenzialità del Kinesiology Taping Therapy nella vita di tutti i giorni ed ovviamente nello sport. Lasciamo però che a parlare sia il suo curriculum vitae.



  • Yonsei University
  • Master of Science, Graduate school of Yonsei University "The effect of muscle power and muscle endurance exerted on knee flexor and knee extensor by applying Kinesio Taping method"
  • Graduate school of Yonsei University, A Doctor degree "Effects of Kinesio Taping on muscle strength improvement, and the blood markers of muscle fatique and damage"
  • Master of Science, Catholic University "The patterns of epigastric arteries within the rectus abdominis muscle for flap in Korean"
  • RMIT University (life science chiropractic in major) - Australia
  • Graduate school of Dankook University Medical ph.D, Medical Doctor.



  • Docter of chiropractic (national board Australia)
  • Physical therapy (national board Korea)
  • Human Ergonomics (national license Korea)
  • Skin care License(national license Korea)
  • Kinesio Taping Interntional Instructor License (Japan)
  • Orthosis license (Korea)



  • Kinesio taping therapy perfect manual 1999
  • The sports kinesio taping 2000
  • Self Medical 2008
  • Anatomy Trane 2009
  • Cranial Manipulation 2010
  • Oriental medicine 2010