Born in Paris on July 03rd, 1944
Masseur-Physiotherapist and Osteopath

1967 Obtain the Masseur-physiotherapist degree - Hôpital Necker in Paris.
1967 - 1984 PhD Degree in Osteopathy done in a work/study training program and simultaneously learning medical Sophrology, Acupuncture, Nutritherapy.
1984 Obtain the Osteopathy degree.

1967 - 1984 Working as a physiotherapist.
1985 - 2004 Exercising unconventional D.O.M.R.O Osteopathy
1994 - 2004 Assessment Consultant and Trainer for the Cellu M6® and Huber® products at LPG Systems. Conception and development of the Huber® motorise platform of rehabilitation.
2006 - 2008 Conception, Assessment and training on Imoove® and Icoone® products at Allcare Innovations.
2008 - 2019 Creation of a clinic/rehabilitation center, Research and practice in the clinic. Teaching the Imoove® method on the Imoove® platform; International conference.